As a distributor of ViroGates, Arium has helped to promote and present the new prognostic biomarker suPAR to teams of Clinical Directors and Medical Doctors from the Internal and Intensive Medicine Departments, in several Portuguese hospitals, from north to south, and will continue to promote this initiative.
ViroGates’ Country Manager for Spain and Portugal, Julio Ajenjo is the speaker at these sessions, where he demonstrates application in patient stratification, triage, and intensive care.
Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal E.P.E. Clinical Session (7 de maio de 2022)
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra – CHUC Clinical Session (6 de junho de 2022)
By measuring suPAR, clinical teams can make better-informed decisions, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes. suPAR provides high-quality prognostic results and improves the patient hospital turnaround time.
A suPAR level <4 ng/mL indicates a good prognosis and supports the decision to discharge the patient.
While a suPAR level >6 ng/mL indicates the presence, progression, and severity of disease, organ damage, and mortality risk and supports further clinical attention.